

孟加拉主要城市公司設立登記,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 孟加拉達卡與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110


“Verify the uniqueness of the proposed company name on the website of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms

Agency : Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms
The search for the availability of a company name was computerized in 2003. After checking that the proposed company name is available for registration, the entrepreneur then applies for name clearance through the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) website. The status of the application can be checked online and is usually accepted or rejected within 1 working day. If accepted, the company name is reserved for 6 months. A print out of the name clearance certificate must be submitted to the RJSC, along with the other required documents for incorporation. In addition to the BRAC Bank, the name reservation fee may be paid at the following designated banks: One Bank and Mutual Bank.”

機構 : 股份公司和公司註冊處處長
2003 年,對公司名稱的可用性進行了計算機化搜索。在檢查擬議的公司名稱是否可供註冊後,企業家隨後通過股份公司和公司註冊處 (RJSC) 網站申請名稱許可。申請狀態可在線查詢,通常在1個工作日內被接受或拒絕。如果被接受,公司名稱將保留 6 個月。必須將名稱許可證書的打印件連同其他註冊所需的文件一起提交給 RJSC。除 BRAC 銀行外,還可以在以下指定銀行支付名稱保留費:One Bank 和 Mutual Bank。”

“Register at the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms

Agency : Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms
To register a company, the following documents must be submitted to the registrar:
(1) Name clearance certificate
(2) Memorandum and Articles of association
(3) Forms I (Declaration on the registration of the company); Form VI (Notice of the registered office); Form IX (Consent to act as directors); Form X (The list of persons consenting to act as directors); and Form XII (Particulars of the Directors, Managers, and Managing Agents)
Once the registration application is filed, the system generates a payment slip that should be printed and paid at a designated bank. This payment slip includes the registration fees, registration filing fees, stamp duties, and certified copies fees.
Registration fees can be calculated online at http://app.roc.gov.bd:7781/psp/fee_calculator”

機構 : 股份公司和公司註冊處處長
(1) 名稱許可證明
(2) 公司章程大綱及細則
(三)表一(公司登記聲明書);表格 VI(註冊辦事處的通知);表格 IX(同意擔任董事);表格 X(同意擔任董事的人員名單);和表格 XII(董事、經理和管理代理人的詳細信息)
註冊費可在 http://app.roc.gov.bd:7781/psp/fee_calculator 在線計算”

“Pay all applicable registration fees and duties at a designated bank

Agency : Designated bank
The fees are as follows:
i. Registration fees.
For the authorized share capital of up to BDT 1,000,000, the fee is BDT 0.
For the authorized capital from BDT 1,000,001 to BDT 5,000,000, the fee is BDT 50 for every BDT 10,000 or part thereof;
For the authorized capital exceeding BDT 5,000,001, the fee is BDT 80 for every BDT 10,000 or part thereof.
ii. Registration filing fees.
For filing 6 documents (5 filled in forms and the memorandum & articles of association, the fee is BDT 400.00 per document): BDT 2,400
iii. Certified copies.
Certified Copy MoA+Form XII+Digital Certificate: BDT 1,220
iv. Stamp duties.
BDT 4,150″

對於不超過 1,000,000 BDT 的法定股本,費用為 BDT 0。
法定資本為1,000,001 BDT至5,000,000 BDT的,每10,000 BDT或不足10,000 BDT的費用為50 BDT;
法定資本超過5,000,001 BDT的,每10,000 BDT或不足10,000 BDT的費用為80 BDT。
提交 6 份文件(5 份填寫表格和組織章程大綱和章程細則,每份文件費用為 400.00 BDT):2,400 BDT
認證副本 MoA+Form XII+數字證書:BDT 1,220
電信發展局 4,150″

“Make a company seal

Agency : Sealmaker
Business founders can make a company seal at the Seal maker for BDT 30-50. A better quality seal can be more expensive at BDT 250-300.”


代理機構 : Sealmaker
企業創始人可以在印章製造商處以 BDT 30-50 製作公司印章。質量更好的密封件可能更貴,價格為 BDT 250-300。”

“Obtain a Tax Identification Number

Agency : National Board of Revenue
In order to start business operations, every company must register for taxes at the appropriate taxation authority (Deputy Commission of Taxes of Company Circle, Zonal Taxation Department) under the National Board of Revenue (NBR) and obtain a tax identification number. Obtaining TIN number can now be done online at
http://incometax.gov.bd/TINHome in less than one day.”

機構 : 國家稅務局
為了開展業務,每家公司都必須在國家稅務局 (NBR) 下屬的適當稅務機關(公司圈稅務副委員會、區域稅務局)進行稅務登記,並獲得稅務識別號。現在可以在不到一天的時間內通過 http://incometax.gov.bd/TINHome 在線獲取 TIN 號。”

“Open a Bank Account

Agency : Bank
In order to register for VAT, the company must first open a bank account.”

機構 : 銀行

“Obtain a trade license

Agency : City Corporation
Companies obtain a trade license from the City Corporation. Recently, the City Corporation (Dhaka) was divided into 2 zones: the North Zone and the South Zone. The company has to file its application at the nearest City Corporation.
The trade license filled-in application form must be accompanied by the following documents:
(1) A certified copy of the memorandum and articles of association
(2) A copy of the certificate of incorporation
(3) Tax Identification Number certificate
(4) The address and nature of business
(5) A copy of the lease agreement of the registered office
(6) 2 copies of Authorized Company Representative’s NID or Passport”

機構 : City Corporation
(1) 公司章程大綱及細則的核證副本
(2) 公司註冊證書複印件
(3) 稅號證明
(5) 註冊辦事處的租賃協議副本
(6) 授權公司代表的 NID 或護照複印件 2 份”

Step 8
“Register for VAT

Agency : National Board of Revenue
For VAT purposes, companies register with the Customs, Excise, and VAT Commission under the National Board of Revenue. The company’s VAT is regulated by the Customs, VAT and Excise Department of the region in which it operates.
When an enterprise submits a VAT Registration application to the VAT authority an application must accomplish or enclosed the following papers & Documents:

  • Fill-up an application form.
  • Enterprise Trade License.
  • Bank Solvency Certificate.
  • Owners 02 photograph.
  • National ID/Passport copy of owners.
  • IRC/ERC if enterprise is importing and exporting.
  • Article & Memorandum (if enterprise is Limited Company.)
  • TIN Certificate.
  • Location MAP of Enterprise premises.
    Application for VAT registration is submitted online at https://vat.gov.bd/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/zmcf_pri/index.html#/Welcome. However, in-person follow up is commonly required after submitting the documents online.”
  • 步驟8

    機構 : 國家稅務局
  • 填寫申請表。
  • 企業貿易許可證。
  • 銀行償付能力證明。
  • 業主 02 照片。
  • 業主的國民身份證/護照複印件。
  • IRC/ERC 如果企業正在進出口。
  • 文章和備忘錄(如果企業是有限公司。)
  • TIN 證書。
  • 企業場所位置圖。
    增值稅登記申請在線提交,網址為 https://vat.gov.bd/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/zmcf_pri/index.html#/Welcome。但是,在線提交文件後通常需要親自跟進。”

Step 9
“Receive physical inspection of the business premises by a government agent and after VAT registration

Agency : National Board of Revenue
As of 2010, businesses receive physical inspection by a government agent in order to verify that the company is real – this inspection is related to VAT registration. Starting from April 15, 2019, the inspections are done after the registration.”

機構 : 國家稅務局
自 2010 年起,企業會接受政府代理人的實物檢查,以驗證公司是否真實——這種檢查與增值稅註冊有關。 2019年4月15日起,註冊後進行檢查。”

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

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