Logo, Vision, Mission, Culture, Philosophy & Ethics

Logo, Vision, Mission, Culture, Philosophy & Ethics

Our Logo
Our logo implies “Global Collaboration” which is Evershine’s core competence.
We continually develop Cloud BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) system and Cloud BPM (Business Process Management) system to support our services.
Using Cloud BPO and Cloud BPM in building up collaborative working environments, allowing the authorized colleagues from different parties to easily and smoothly work together anytime, anywhere.

Our Vision

The meadows are covered with flocks.
The meadows are the emblem of a good business model.
Flocks are the emblem of talented people.
Good Business Model + Talented People:
Hundreds of thousands of colleagues peacefully develop their talents in Evershine as good meadows.

Good Business Model:
Service items should be with recurring income,  let colleagues feel comfortable to work here.
Client Retention Rate should be higher than 90% through providing  good quality services
Colleagues Cherish and protect this meadow, even proud of it.

Talented Colleagues:
Colleagues are the center of stakeholders
Develop Colleague’s Talent, Tailored-made career arrangement.
Value-added Group Compensation: 50% of Net Revenue cover ( Salary +Social Benefits)

Our Mission
Provide featured services in Accounting, Tax Compliance, Payroll Compliance, and Company Registration in 100 main cities worldwide.
The annual service fee per colleague reaches USD 150,000.

Our Culture
One person assists 1000 sheep but two people may reach 10,000 others where productivity becomes 5 times more.

Lifetime Learning is Encouraged:
Each colleague should have a lifetime learning spirit to gain more job competence.
Evershine’s Competitiveness comes from the accumulation of various job competence from all colleagues.
Evershine Competences = Country-wise Regulation (Payroll + Tax+ Investment ) +Language (E+C) + Accounting + Auditing + Cloud System (BPO) + Information Security + Communication Skills + Task Management Skill (BPM) + Marketing & Branding + Client List & Performance Record.

Union is Strength:
Following Peter Druck’s Management  Philosophy: Don’t expect to recruit all geniuses, few are existent. It needs combination among all colleagues. From Clients’ viewpoints, Evershine is very competent, but an individual colleague is not so capable at all。 It requires teamwork.
Services done by only a few people in a short period is be easily duplicated. Prairie will be taken over by competitors.

Be Considerate: Colleagues should pass the First-hand information to necessary parties. Evershine will use Cloud BPO and Cloud BPM to let first-hand colleagues easily and smoothly key-in information for others’ use.
When False Practice occurs, all team members are responsible. Do not try to find out individual responsible person Instead try to explore how to solve current issues.
Distinguish how to avoid recurrence of these malpractices.
Learn communication skills described in the book “How to Make Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Border-less Personnel Arrangement
To fulfill clients’ requirements, we focus on “Global Collaboration”, and our personnel arrangement is quite flexible.
In-house employees and outside co-service partners will be co-existent.
Full-time employees and part-time employees are co-existent.
Working in the office and working in the home are both acceptable.
Clients’ colleagues, co-service-partners’ colleagues, and Evershine in-house colleagues work altogether through the Cloud Collaboration Platform.

Management Philosophy
Pleasantly explore! Prudently go forward!
Don’t insist on going forward! Don’t insist on not going forward!
Don’t lose exploration momentum, but prudently go forward!
Going forward is a source of innovation and creation!
Lifelong learning! Never retire!
Explore under affordable risk。
Don’t be overburdened in providing services to society!
Do not reject suitable clients, do not accept unsuitable clients, or in not good timing。
It may require overtime work when clients need urgent services, but regular requests will not be designed to be done over the shift.
Building up service bases in 100 cities, tiring? We do not set deadlines. At the same time, we don’t stop going forward. It may take 5 to 20 years but it’s not a problem!

Behaviour Ethics

Help clients grow based on passionate love;
Help other colleagues grow based on passionate love;
Help yourself grow based on passionate love

Help clients grow based on passionate love
It is our priority to contribute to our client’s growth.
Do not accept clients’ assignments when we have not yet reached the professional level.
If the client and its staff are willing to learn in our areas of expertise, we will help them.
Once find out the customers with illegal practice which might hinder their “sustainable development”,  report to your director or CPA. Let them make recommendations on improvement to the clients.
Realize clients’ colleagues are required to speak many times to understand the professional content of what you talk about. Be patient!
Believe helping clients grow will derive Evershine’s growing too.

Help  other colleagues grow  based on passionate love;
Colleagues  should perceive that we are in a service industry which features
(a) Service & production happened simultaneously;
(b) Quality service must be maintained stably;
Only expressing professionalism and a good attitude can gain a foothold in the service sector.
Employees are glad to impart knowledge and practice with co-workers. By doing so, Evershine becomes even stronger.
Know that sometimes, it will require patient explanation to other colleagues for them to understand the professional content of your words. Be patient!
In teaching subordinates or other colleagues, don’t just say what, instead of elaborate why.

Help yourself grow based on passionate love:
Colleagues should perceive the External environment, Customer needs change quickly. We need lifelong learning to avoid being left behind.
Careful Consideration: Ask in mind, “Why do it? Why not?”
Be Modestly Educated: attending training courses arranged by the Firm.
Listen Patiently: Always allow the speaker to finish talking even when you are already aware of his speech.
Growth needs time to be cultivated. Don’t expect fast track and pressure yourself too much, rather wait patiently.

Contact Us

Dale Chen, Principal Partner CPA/Patent Attorney/MBA
Office Tel: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 100
Mobile: +886-933920199
Skype: daleccchen
Email: dalechen@evershinecpa.com
linkedin address: 
Dale Chen Linkedin

Jerry Chu, USA Graduate School Alumni & a well-English speaker
Office Tel: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 103
Mobile: +886-939-357-735
Email: jerrychu@evershinecpa.com

Additional Information

Evershine has 100% affiliates in the following cities:
Headquarter, Taipei, Xiamen, Beijing, Shanghai, Shanghai,
Shenzhen, New York, San Francisco, Houston, Phoenix Tokyo,
Seoul, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur,
Manila, Dubai, New Delhi, Mumbai, Dhaka, Jakarta, Frankfurt,
Paris, London, Amsterdam, Milan, Barcelona, Bucharest,
Melbourne, Sydney, Toronto, Mexico

Other cities with existent clients:
Miami, Atlanta, Oklahoma, Michigan, Seattle, Delaware;
Berlin, Stuttgart; Prague; Czech Republic; Bangalore; Surabaya;
Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Donguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Yongkang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Kunshan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xuchang, Qingdao, Tianjin.

Evershine Potential Serviceable City (2 months preparatory period):
Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people.
Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®.
(version: 2024/07)

Please send email to HQ4dac@evershinecpa.com
